Hinojosa del Duque village
This village is located on the historic Mozarabic Route to Santiago. Its extensive Dehesas (Andalousian grasslands) offer a unique natural environment, appropriate for a rich livestock activity, where the Iberian pig is the protagonist. Its landscape, gastronomic and cultural attractions are outstanding. We need to highlight the popular play of "La Vaquera de la Finojosa" and its important artistic heritage: the Catedral de la Sierra and the many mountain hermitages. Not to mention the many sports and adventure activities at your disposal.
The region of Los Pedroches is made up of 17 villages, where you can enjoy a wide variety of activities and a rich cultural heritage. In December 2016, Los Pedroches, was declared “Starlight Reserve”, which confirms the quality of the sky in this region accredited as one of the 10 best areas in the world for the observation of the night sky.

Some villages/sites of interest
Hinojosa del duque:
Ethnological Museum, Church of San Juan Bautista “Catedral de la Sierra”, Set of Hermitages, Bird Observatory for cranes of Fuente la Zarza, “El Cascajoso” Marsh, La Vaquera de la Finojosa.
Nearby villages:
Añora: Cruces de Mayo, Rural Olympics (July).
Belalcázar: Castle of Sotomayor and Zúñiga, Convent of Santa Clara.
Cardeña: Cardeña-Montoro Natural Park.
Dos Torres: Candelaria Festival (February), “Vaca de San Isidro” (May).
El Viso: “Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos”, Santa Ana Bull Festivities.
Pedroche: Piostros Festival (September), El Salvador Church, set of hermitages, Theater Center of the 7 Villas.
Pozoblanco: “El Silo” Theater, Bullring, Old Well House, Granite Crossings, recreational area “Ciudad del Ocio”.
Villanueva de Córdoba: Theater Center of the Dehesa, Dolmenes of the Chalcolithic period, hiking trails through the Dehesa, Iberian ham fair.
Villanueva del Duque: Rural Tourism Week, El Soldado and Las Morras Mines, Virgin of Guía Hermitage, Mozarabic Way of Santiago.
- Bird watching.
- Deer mating (“berrea”) in autumn
- Guided tours of the Dehesa.
- Carnival pot
- Golden soup
- Iberian pork products, sucking pig, typical pork loin, stuffing, white garlic soup (ajo blanco), stew.
- “Perrunas” (typical pastry), donuts and flakes.
Sport activities:
- Horse Riding
- Trekking
- Hunting.
- Fishing and aquatic activities in surrounding marshes.